Makayla had her two month checkup and here are her stats:
Weight: 10 lbs, 7.3 ounces
Height: 22 3/4
Head Circ.: 36.8 cm
She has grown so much in the past month! The biggest thing to report is that she is officially in her beautiful room in her crib. We put her in there on Friday, May 4th, which was the day she turned 8 weeks old. The first night she slept from 9 pm to 3 am! SIX hours right off the bat! We were amazed at how great she did. She really loves being all stretched out, her arms way above her head or out like an airplane on her sides. I think she was getting really squished in her
Fisher Price Rock N Play, which is what she was sleeping in since we brought her home from the hospital. She has been sleeping on average 6-7 hours during her first stretch of sleep at night but then decides its only cat nap time after her 3-4 a.m. feeding. She will then usually be up every hour until 6-6:45 a.m. when her daddy comes home from working overnights.
She has definitely started cooing, smiling, responding to voices, and sticking our her tongue!
We did a LOT this month:
played with Grandpa on Mother's Day |
Celebrated our first Easter |
Celebrated our first Mothers Day |
Had lots of smiles & giggles |
Went to my work to say hi to everyone |
Held your own bottle for the first time (haven't done it since) - 6 weeks |
Found your thumb for the first time |
Went to the Flower Fields |
Took lots of walks by the beach in the warm weather |
You got your two month shots :( |
Had lots of snuggles for a couple of days following your shots |
Had the biggest smiles and giggles |
Introduced you to your new BFF, Sophie the Giraffe |
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