Sunday, June 24, 2012

Makayla Jo | three month update | June 9, 2012

1.       How old is baby? 3 months on 6/9
2.       Doctor’s appointments?: next one is on 7/13 (4 month)
3.       Stats:
a.       Weight: unknown
b.      Height: unknown
c.       Clothes size: M is wearing some 0-3 month clothes and 3 month clothes now. A lot of them are getting tight, but I refuse to get out her 6 month clothes already!
d.      Diaper size: Kirkland (Costco size 1-2), Overnight Huggies size 3. 
e.      Hair color: Brown
f.        Eyes: Beautiful Blue 
4.       Milestones:
a.       Teething: Tons of drool, like tons. But no signs of teeth yet! 
b.      Verbal skills: Lots of cooing and she had her first laugh at 14 weeks! 
c.       Rolling: She started rolling over at about 12 weeks (back to belly). She rolled over the evening of my very first day back to work (5/29/12). She loves rolling over and does it non-stop now. She just started rolling from belly to back this week (15 weeks).
d.       Anything else? She LOVES her FP play gym, her swing, and we recently bought a FP Rainforest Jumperoo off of CL but I think she's still a little to young for that. 
5.       Things she likes:
a.       Toys: She loves her "o ball", her "taggie", and putting anything in her mouth! 
b.      Books: She's not a big fan yet, but we do try to read "its pajama time" every night before bed. 
c.       Songs: Recently started playing Pandora's Baby Einstein station, she loves it! 
d.      Other activities: She loves tummy time and she could stay on her tummy and hold her head high for awhile.
6.       Things he dislikes: Still hates wet diapers, but yet will sit in a dirty diaper all day. 
7.       Sleeping: Just within the past two weeks, M has been sleeping from approximately 7:30 p.m. to 5:00-6:30 a.m. She loves her room and is such a wonderful sleeper! 
8.       Eating: She's eating between 4-6 ounces of Similac Sensitive every 3-4 hours or so. Approx. 27-30 ounces a day.
9.       Nicknames: Makaykay, Makay, Chicken, Princess, Pretty Face
10.   Things we’re looking forward to next month: 4th of July, enjoying summertime weather
11.   How I like motherhood: I love it. However, it is much harder then I ever imagined. Being back to work has been so wonderful for me. Working 4 days a week is the perfect balance. I love spending my evenings and weekends with M, it is so much more special now that I am back and work and not around her 24/7. I always knew I wasn't cut out to be a Stay At Home Mom, but now I am 100% satisfied with my decision of going back to work. I'm sure it helps that I LOVE MY JOB so very much! 
a.       Likes: Watching my husband interact and play with her. Melts my heart every single time.
b.      Dislikes: Being tired, and getting used to starting my weekend days at 6 a.m. now. 

This month we did a lot:

Took your first airplane ride to Reno (Truckee), 11 weeks, you did AMAZING! 

Went to Truckee for the first time....and it was snowing in MAY! 

Playing in the cabin with Grandpa

You can now sit in your Bumbo holding your head up strong

Snuggles on mommy's first morning back to work

Lots of tummy time

Napped in the park

Snuggles before bed

Love your FP rainforest bouncer at G&G's house! 

Invested in lots of cute hair headbands for your bald head :)

Happy First Father's Day, Daddy!

Helped Mom celebrate her 30th Birthday (6/20/12)

Got our first cold. Darn day care! (6/21/12)

Almost climbed out of your swing! (6/21/12)

Just chillin in the front yard enjoying the warm summertime weather! 

First time at the beach! You loved it! (6/23/12)

Went swimming for the first time
Went to the Del Mar fair and played with Grandpa on Father's Day

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