Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Makayla Jo | 9 month update | December 9, 2012

NINE months! Wow! You are amazing little one, just amazing. We love this age - you are so fun! You've started saying yum yum, wow, dada, and giving kisses.

Weight: 18 pounds
Height: 27 inches
Head Circumference: unknown
 We've hit a rough patch over the past week or so. Not sure if you're teething again, afraid of the dark, having night terrors, or if separation anxiety is starting but you have been waking up frequently over the past week. Generally you are sleeping between 7 and 730.

You're still eating about 3 purees per day, breakfast, lunch & dinner. You are down to about 4 bottles per day now, with 6-8 ounces each. Dr. Kahn states that it's ok that you only consume about 18-24 ounces of formula per day now. We also started you on Puffs. You love picking them up and feeding yourself. You've also had a few small bites of bagel, eggs, chicken, turkey, etc. We are still worried about you choking but you are doing wonderful.

Definitely in 9 month clothes. Some 6 month stuff is still in your drawers and daddy sometimes dresses you in clothes too small when I'm at work.

You are all over the place! You are going to be standing on your own anyway now. You basically do
it and then you get scared and sit down. You recently got a toy car and you push it and walk! It's adorable.

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